Week beginning 19th February 2007
Welcome back after the half term break! We hope you had a relaxing time and have come back rejuvenated and ready for some hard work!!Well, we know that you are all in the swing of revision now in Year 6, but there is still plenty of time for new learning and remember that some of what we are still teaching MAY come up on the SATs, so work in school is still vitally important. If you are in Year 5, then don’t feel you are being left to you own devices, as we have some great things in store for you. Remember, you will be Year 6 before you know it, and so this is a real chance to see how far you can challenge yourself – go on..you can do it!!This half term is jammed packed with activities for you, so you will hit the ground running on Monday when you come back, so be prepared to work hard.LiteracyWe will be starting a block of work on Narrative writing – basically fiction writing. How good are your story beginnings? Do they grab the reader by the lapels and shout ‘READ ME!!?’ Think about some of the work we have done using Alan Peat ideas...· OI sentences
· 2a sentences
· Show not tell
· New speaker/ New Line 66\99
· Change of place or time? New line (paragraphing)Before you come into school, think about some characters or settings that you could base your stories on and around. Try this...Choose a character from Eastenders, say Phil Mitchell. What does he look like? What are some of his mannerisms? Does he have any catchphrases? What does he do? Where does he live? Where does he work? What type of personality does he have? What are his weaknesses?
Then, when you have written this character passport out, give him another name – say ‘Arthur’. Hey presto, you have just invented a new character! When you are writing about him in YOUR story, you will know that he is based on Phil Mitchell, but no one else will. (Just remember NOT to call him by the wrong name!) Have a go with some of the other characters...what about Dot?!http://www.bbc.co.uk/eastenders/ Click on the Story Maker icon and you could direct your very own scene from Eastenders! Which character will you put into the scenes? This is really good fun!
http://www.midlandit.co.uk/education/writingtips.htm This gives you some really good story writing tips.
http://www.midlandit.co.uk/education/pirate/index.htm Write an adventure story using these ideas.
If you want some ideas for some stories of your own, then have a look in the documents section on the school website. (Click on DOCUMENTS – RESOURCEs-PARENTS and then WRITING IDEAS. It is a Word document so you can download it and print it for your revision file.) You will lots of story titles there to get you started. They have all been taken from previous SATs papers, so you really get to know the types of questions that could be asked.
Here a couple of ideas to get you started:
SHORT WRITING – 25 minutesDiscussing issues
Some people agree with the ban on smoking in public places to stop non-smokers suffering from passive smoking, whilst others think it is a stupid idea. Write a discussion about whether it is a good idea to ban smoking in public places or not.
Writing about your point of view
Vegetarians don’t like eating meat. Some don’t eat it because they think it’s cruel whilst others just don’t like the taste. Many meat eaters enjoy the flavour of meat and say it is natural to eat it because we are carnivores. Write about your opinions on eating meat.
Writing an argument
You read a quote in the newspaper which says: ‘All children are mindless hooligans who watch too much television and have no idea of the way they should behave. If I had my way, they would all be put in the army, as it didn’t do me any harm.’ (Mr D. Green) Write a reply to the editor, arguing against the views in the letter.
LONG WRITING – 45 minutesAdventure stories
It is the middle of winter in the snowy hills of Colarado and Mike Stone’s grandfather has fallen ill. The only place that he can get help is thirty miles away, through the snow filled valley. The telephone lines are down and a blizzard is blowing in, so everything relies on Mike. Write and adventure story based on this idea.
Stories with flashbacks
As Captain Hallas approached the oil rig under the cover of darkness, he knew what he had to do. He remembered the advice which his father has given him just before he died. Those wise words never left him, and he need them now more than ever. Write an adventure story that uses a flashback to help the reader understand the story better. Follow on from the sentences above.
Fables, myths and legends
Write a fable which explains how the leopard got its spots.NumeracyThis week, we will be focussing on really developing those number skills and the ability to see patterns in numbers. There will be a real focus on Mental calculations this week, so the links from last week will really help out, particularly with the mental maths test that can be downloaded.By the end of week, the children;MUST be able to add any pair of two-digit numbers including crossing the tens boundary e.g. 38+85
SHOULD able to add a pair of decimal fractions e.g. 5·7 + 2·5.COULD able to add a pair of decimal fractions each less than one and with up to two decimal placesIn addition to this, we will be assessing whether or not the children can apply strategies they have already learned to other areas. For example, can they round these decimals to the nearest whole integer? Round these costs to the nearest £:£4.27 £12.60 £14.05 £6.50
Round these weights to the nearest kg:
13.67kg 12.49kg 38.72kg 42.12kg
http://www.crick.northants.sch.uk/assets/Flash%20Studio/cfsmaths/Toolkit/Toolkit.htmUse the place value cards to help you when calculating the value of numbers in decimals
http://www.mathsonline.co.uk/nonmembers/gamesroom/bugs/bugrace3.html Make sure you type in large numbers, or you will make the bug race too easy!
http://www.sgfl.org.uk/games/games/maths/addlikemadThis is great! Beware though, as you move through the game, the speed does increase dramatically!
http://www.wmnet.org.uk/wmnet/custom/files_uploaded/uploaded_resources/850/AddExpand.swf This shows you how to calculate additions using the expanded methods. You will need to remember how to do your partitioning for this though!
http://www.ngfl-cymru.org.uk/vtc/ngfl/maths/cynnal/frogs/saesneg/frogs.htm investigating number patterns
This half term, we will seeing how good you are at apply all of the skills you have learned so far to new applications in school. Have a look down this list and see if you can tick all of these. If not, then set yourself a target of how many you intend to get by Easter!
Begins to use good technique when typing
Begins to increase typing speed
Can select and move a graphic
Can change the layout of a document using justification and centring
Can move or copy text between two or more word processing documents
Can use the tab key to format a list
Can carry out a single field wordsearch
Can create an electronic bookmark
Can connect a model to a control unit (interface)
Can build up and use procedures to control models
Can edit procedures
Can compose, address and send and e-mail
Can reply to an e-mail message
Can place text into a simple screen
Can import a graphic and place it into a screen
Can create a series of screens with text, graphics and buttons for simple navigation
Can prepare a physical database
Can create a data file and enter data from the physical database
Can edit data in a data file
Can change the order of information within a column by sorting
Can enter and use simple formula on a spreadsheet
You will expected to choose the best program to use independently, particularly when we ask you present your information in subjects such as History or Geography. Also, if you use alternative applications at home, bring in some examples from home to show us. We particularly love your powerpoints and any word processing you may have done.
http://www.bbc.co.uk/schools/typing/ A fun way to learn how to type and use the keyboard properly.
http://www.bbc.co.uk/schools/games/ all the BBC’s educational games on one place!
http://demo.iboard.co.uk/screens/thread_home.htm?thread_id=1 can you control the cheese sniffer and the pollen catcher!!??
http://www.ngfl-cymru.org.uk/vtc/explore_control_sims/eng/Introduction/default.htmexploring and controlling situations
http://www.ngfl-cymru.org.uk/vtc/Phase2delivery/Wales/IT01/Keystage2/Usingadatabase/Representingand/Introduction/default.htm checking data and validating results
http://www.ngfl-cymru.org.uk/vtc/going_going/eng/Introduction/default.htm learn how to use a spreadsheet with this interactive activity.
We are looking at the topic ‘What’s in the news?’ This is a fantastic topic and really uses lots there is anything we can do about it. Is there a burning issue in this week’s Guardian? What is happening in our local environment? Does it come from what is happening nationally in the headlines?
We are going to link this topic with writing reports and make a TV documentary for TONIGHT WITH TREVOR MCDONALD about the pressing issues in Penketh and Sankey. Ever heard of PODCASTS? Well, this is your chance to actually make one. We will be learning how to use a piece of software called ‘Audacity’ which you can use to create your very own Podcast. I can’t wait for this topic!!
Here I Am
Before the half term, we started our new topic of Memories. We continue with this theme this week with our Relate section.
The children will learn about how the Eucharist, keeps the memory of Jesus alive and makes him present in a special way.
Do this in remembrance of me
The Christian family kept the memory of Jesus alive in a very special way. From the beginning, they celebrated the Eucharist as a living memory of him. This is how Paul explains the importance of this memory to the Christian family at Corinth.Can you find 1 Corinthians 11:24-27 ?The tradition that I received is one which goes right back to Jesus himself. It is this same tradition which I have handed on to you: that on the night he was betrayed, the Lord Jesus, took some bread, gave thanks to God, broke the bread and said, “This is my body which is for you. Do this in remembrance of me.”
Then in the same way he took the cup of wine after supper, gave thanks to God and said, “This cup is the cup of my life blood. Whenever you drink it do this as a memorial of me.”
This means that whenever you eat this bread and drink this cup you are proclaiming the death of Jesus until he comes.
Key questions
What special memory of Jesus is Paul writing about to the Christian family in Corinth?
How do Paul and the Christian family in Corinth keep this memory of Jesus alive?
What does Paul say they are doing when they eat this bread and drink this cup?
By the end of this topic, the children;Must be able to talk in some detail of the way memories are kept alive. They will
know that the Eucharist is how the Church remembers Jesus and be able to recall the story of the Last Supper.Should be able to discuss how memories are kept alive. They will be able to explain how the Eucharist keeps the memory of Jesus alive and makes Jesus present.
Could be able to discuss the different memories of the Last Supper recorded in the New Testament.
Maybe you could look back through your workbook from your First Holy Communion. The video is sure to being back some fabulous memories!Reconciliation
On Tuesday 27th February at 6.00pm, there will be a meeting in the hall for parents of children who are soon to make their First Reconciliation. Mr Barker and myself will be there to discuss the programme for the day, and to answer any questions you may have.
On March 8th, the Year 6 children will take part in an Away morning, where they will receive the sacrament of Reconciliation for the second time. More details will follow soon.Revision
You should already have your paper revision packs at home, but just in case you have misplaced them, here at this week’s objectives.Literacy revision – Year 6Monday
To know that letters are written for a variety of purposes
To understand that a letter may be formal or informal
To plan a letter, organising information effectively
To use a letter frame to help organise your writing
To write a formal letter
To write an informal letter
To understand how to organise instructions
To answer questions about a set of instructions
To organise a set of instructions
To write a set of instructions
To be aware of silent letters in words
To be able to spell the words with the most common silent letter patterns in them
Science revision – Year 6
To know that forces are pushes and pulls acting in a particular direction
To represent forces using arrows in diagrams
To understand the effects on an object of balanced and unbalanced forces
To know all objects exert a force due to gravity
To understand the difference between weight and mass
To know that water exerts a force called upthrust on an object in it
Understand the relationship between upthrust and gravity
To understand what is meant by friction and air resistance and recognise situations where they happen
To know that friction produces heat
To investigate exerting different sized forces on an object
Numeracy revision – Year 6Monday
To recall multiplication facts (times tables)
To use different methods to multiply whole numbers and simple decimal numbers
To use a suitable written method for multiplying whole and decimal numbers by one and two digit numbers
To recognise odd and even numbers
To recognise and find factors or multiples of a number, or numbers
To know that a prime number has only two factors and know the prime numbers to at least 30
To recognise and find square numbers and square roots in terms of ‘the number multiplied by itself’
To describe the rule linking numbers in a sequence
To create, complete or extend a number sequence using a given rule and predict further terms
To describe and extend sequences of patterns
To recognise sequences of odd numbers, even numbers, square numbers and multiples
To know that angles are measured in degrees and that one whole turn is 360
To recognise acute, right, obtuse and reflex angles
To estimate, measure, draw and compare angles
To know and use simple angle facts
To work out probabilities of events with two or more equally likely outcomes
To place events on a probability scale
To start to understand that the results of an experiment can give different probabilities to those calculated
On Thursday, the Year 5’s will be visiting St Gregory’s to take part in a Theatre workshop. Please remember to send in the permission slips as soon as possible to help with administration.
As always, please keep an eye on the diaries for any further information and remember to sign them each week.
Have a good week!
Year 5/6 team.