What a busy week we had, but a very successful one. Everyone who visited the art exhibition thoroughly enjoyed themselves and lots of compliments could be heard by our visitors to school. If you were unable to visit the exhibition on the day, then you are still able to purchase them from school until 7th July, at a cost of £5.00.
Sports Day
On Tuesday morning of this week, we shall be holding our junior sports day, (weather permitting!) The children have been practicing their individual races and we have some really accomplished athletes! The children have looked very smart in their PE kits this week - thank you! Please ensure that your child has a water bottle, a hat and plenty of suncream. Should we be unlucky enough to have rain on Tuesday, then it will be held on Wednesday morning.
We only have a couple of weeks left before the end of term production and the rehearsals are coming along really well. We have been thrilled at how much the children have taken the idea of a production of this scale on board, and we can assure you of some surprises!! We would be grateful, if the costumes could be in school by Friday of this week, so that any alterations may be made.
FOSV Barbeque
This Friday sees the annual barbeque being held in school. The Friends have organised lots of activities for the evening, which looks like being another successful evening. If you are able to offer any help with refrigeration, face painting or any other help, please contact a member of the Friends.
The medical forms and payment slips for September's Conway trip were sent home on Friday. It would be helpful if those forms could be returned by Friday of this week. Also, if you wish to make payments in installments, then if they could be sent into school on MONDAY MORNINGS in order to help with administration. Many thanks for your support.
Your will receive your child's report this Friday, along with the results of their SATS for Year 6 and Optional SATS for Year 5. There is a comment sheet inside the report for you to make any comments about your child's report. The children have worked really hard all year and it would be great to have your comments in their files to pass up to high school. For the year 5 children, you will also be notified of your child's teacher for next year.