Sunday, September 24, 2006

25th September 2006

Conway Residential

The Year 6's are off to Conway on Monday for their action-packed residential. We say a huge thank you to Miss Wilson for organising the trip, and the other staff who are giving up time with their own families to take the children on a fantastic break. I am sure that we will hear all about it when they return (although they may be VERY tired when they return on Thursday! They will return at approx. 7.30pm and school will be open from 7.00pm for you to collect them.

Year Five children

The Year Five children will have a fantastic time this week, despite missing some of their friends in year 6! We are planning a transformation of the Year 5/6 area into a conservation area. The children will be working in teams, to research all about minibeasts and the type of plants that are needed to attact them. They will be making minibeast models from papier mache, modroc (plaster), card, paper and all sorts of junk materials. We are going to give them a few ideas to start them off, but the actual design and production of the art work etc. for the area, really is up to them. We can't wait to see the ideas they have and the end product will be there for you see next week!!

Junk Material Plea!

In order to help the children be as creative as possible (and messy!) we would be grateful if you could send in ANY junk materials that you may have at home, that you have been saving for a rainy day! These might include egg boxes, yoghurt cartons, empty plastic containers, foil wrappers, toilet rolls and kitchen rolls...the list is endless, but the more materials the children have access to, the better. After all, we investigating the theme of recycling!!

The children will also be asked to make a diorama (a scene in a box). They will need an empty cereal box for Thursday, so that they can make a model of what they would like their minibeast garden to look like. When the year 6's return, we will be starting the hardwork of actually transforming one of the models into the real thing!

Calling all green-fingered parents!

The children have had some really fantastic ideas for creating their minibeast garden, but all of them require a considerable amount of digging, planting and gardening 'know-how' to get it off the ground. If you are able to offer any help with any aspect of this project, please let any member of the 5/6 team know as soon as possible. We have access to some funding for materials and are keen to get the project started as soon as possible, before the winter weather sets in.

This is designed for early years, but the children will really enjoy creating their own minibeasts

Looks like a fantastically creative week...please remind your child to bring in an old shirt for all craft activities!!