Saturday, December 09, 2006

11th December 2006

8 more get-ups...!

We are approaching the end of term and 2006 very quickly and it will soon be time to break up for Christmas. The Year 5/6 teachers are really proud of how the children have kept working right through all the other productions, without too many complaints!

Now it is our turn to start rehearsals for the Carol Service on the last day of term. The intention is that it will be a reflection on the true meaning of Christmas, and enable us all to take an hour or so out of all the preparation time, to share readings, prayers, poems and carols together as a whole school community. You are very welcome to join us in the school hall at 9am on the last day. Please do remember however, that space will very limited and we need to adhere to Fire Regulations for everyone's safety. Many thanks in advance.

Revision books

The revision books that many of the parents of children in Year 6 ordered, have now arrived in school. We shall be distributing them this week, although we don't intend for you to read them over your Christmas Lunch...New Year's Eve will be fine!!!!!!!!

He's behind you.......!!!

The whole school will be visiting Chester Gateway Theatre this Monday to see The Wizard of Oz. The children need to be in school for 8.15am as we will be leaving school PROMPTLY at 8.30am. Since the children will be out for breaktime, it would be helpful if you were able to send their snack and drink in a plastic bag to take with them. The children will be back in school to have lunch and will return home at normal time. Many thanks to Mrs Narraway, who has arranged this visit for everyone...oh yes she has!!!!! (can you tell I am getting into the festive mood this week??!!)

Festive Fun

Although we will be rehearsing for the carol service this week, our curriculum will still be continuing, although it will have a festive slant - (and lots of glitter and snowflakes!!)

There are lots of Christmas resources available on the internet, but I have included just a few to keep everyone busy. There are some lovely family ideas for games, discussions and crafts. Let us know if you found any of them useful or made any of the art ideas. I know lots of the children went home and made snowflakes last week!! A lovely Christmas book to download, full of festive ideas, such as origami Christmas Trees and Santas! Online podcasts from Santa Click on this link for a beautiful song called ‘Christmas in Bethlehem’. Have the tissues handy as it really bring a tear to the eye! on line Advent Calendar, containing a task or a thought for the day. The Nativity Story through works of art. lots of Christmas activities, including puzzles, colouring etc.

We really enjoyed the Year 3/4 dress rehearsal on Friday and it shows how hard the staff and children have worked to bring the production together in such a short space of time. Good luck to you all for your performances this week - you will be fantastic!

The Year 1/2 and Foundation Teams amazed us yet again with their performance of 'The Christmas Rose'. You were all brilliant and the children were a real credit to their parents and teachers.

Have a good week!

Year 5/6 team