On Tuesday, the Year 5's will be going to Church to receive the Sacrament of Reconcilation for the first time. The children are allowed to wear their own clothes for the day, although they will need sensible shoes for the walk up to St.Joseph's. We will be leaving school just after 9am and starting the activities around 9.30am. The children will need to bring something for their lunch, which can be put onto a shared lunch table. We will conclude the day with a Service of Reconciliation, to which parents are warmly invited. This will take place at approx. 2.30pm in Church. You may collect your child from the parish centre after the service, or from school at approx. 3.20pm. It promises to be a really enjoyable day for both staff and children.
Bridgewater Hall Visit
On Wednesday, all of Key Stage 2 are getting on 'the bus' and going to the Bridgewater Hall in Manchester, where they will be treated to a fantastic performance by the Halle Orchestra. The theme this year is 'Heroes and Villains'. How many pieces of music will they know? (Don't worry - we have the answers just in case!!) The children will be returning after lunchtime on Wednesday, so it may be best to have sandwiches that day, just in case! Have a look at the fantastic Bridgewater Hall building, home of the Halle Orchestra.
After last week's successful visit from our Spanish colleague, we are holding a Spanish Themed week across the whole school. There are lots of exciting activities planned, and there is even a rumour that there may even be some Salsa Dancing going on!! On Friday, we shall be doning our chef's hats (and shaking the dust off them!) and having a go at creating our very own Paella!! Can't wait for that...
With all of this going on, you may be wondering what other curriculum we could possibly fit into this week?! Well...
The children worked really well on ordering negative numbers and changing fractions to decimals. For those children who still need some extra practice on this area, I have included a few websites below to help. click on the parachute which has the same value as the pencentage or the fraction which the 'suitcase' gives you click on the fractions to decimals picture This is a great one! It will change any fraction to a given decimal Think you've got it? Well this site will check just how much you really do know!
This week, we move on to using our knowledge of multiplication, to multiply decimals. We will also be looking at the following in our oral and mental starters:
- know addition pairs that total 100
- recall doubles of numbers up to 100 and their corresponding halves
- know multiplication facts up to 10x10
- read time to 1 minute on the 24 hour clock
- name and recognise 2D shapes and their properties
By the end of the week, the children :
Must be able to multiply multiples of ten by single digit numbers
Should be able to use times table knowledge to multiply and divide multiples of ten by single digit numbers, e.g. 60x3, 180÷6
Could apply knowledge of multiplication and division facts to calculate multiples of decimals by single digits, e.g. knowing 6x3 and using this to derive 0.6x3 or 2.7÷3 Remember how to do the grid methos? This website show you how to partition two digit numbers to help multiply them. I love this!! Remember doing the speed grid challenge for addition? Well there is now a multiplication speed grid!! This is really difficult and I won't tell you how many I scored the first time I played it!
We continue with our topic of Interdependence and Adaptation. This sounds like a very grand title, but it is all about habitats, food chains, food webs and eco-systems. The children had great time last week putting themselves as part of a food chain. Needless to say, everyone wanted to be a predator!!
If you feel like having a go at some independent writing at home, here's a couple of titles that you could have a go at this week.
Writing an argument
You read a quote in the newspaper which says: ‘All children are mindless hooligans who watch too much television and have no idea of the way they should behave. If I had my way, they would all be put in the army, as it didn’t do me any harm.’ (Mr D. Green) Write a reply to the editor, arguing against the views in the letter.
Recounting events
Something happened on your way home from school last night. Recount the event to your friend.
Your school is organising a sponsored 12 hour dance-athon for charity. Write a newsletter to encourage people to take part in the event.
Science fiction stories
The year is 2134 and the Intergalactic Space Police are on the trail of a master criminal, who has stolen the Life Diamond (the diamond at the centre of the earth, that controls the planet’s temperature.) Write a science fiction story based on this idea.
Stories with a dilemma
Jenny and her friends face a problem. The Lard Street Gang have called them soft because they won’t smoke cigarettes. Jenny doesn’t want to lose face with her friends but she doesn’t want to start smoking either. Write a story about what Jenny decides to do.
Stories with a twist
Ben could hear a noise. It was coming from his cellar. He decides to investigate. What does Ben find in the cellar? Tell the story to the end of his investigation, but try to include a twist at the end.
Fantasy adventures
Blakely has been captured by the evil high lords and put to work as a slave in the salt mine. He escapes and starts a journey back home to Little Hamlet. On his way home, Blakely meets a friendly creature and is nearly captured. Write a fantasy adventure based on this idea.
Here I Am
This week, the children are working on the second week of the RELATE section of the topic. They will learn about Lent as a time of ‘dying in order to live’; how the suffering and death and resurrection of Jesus led to new life for Jesus and his friends.
We will be looking at the events leading upto Easter and how they fit into their understanding of the Easter Story.
Read Matthew: 26:47-53. It is the story of what happened to Jesus in the Garden of Gethsemene. Could you try to answer some of these questions about the passage you have read?
- How did Jesus feel?
- What did he do?
- What happened in the Garden?
- How do you think Jesus felt then?
- What did he say to the friend who used his sword?
- Why do you think the friend used it?
- What does Matthew tell us about Jesus?
Parent's Evening
You should have received a parent's evening slip last week. There are lots parents who have requested the 3.30pm slot and the 7.30pm slot. We would be grateful if there could be some flexibility with this as we are sure you can appreciate that even we cannot fit 90 children into these two slots! Thank you for your understanding with this.
There are lots of sites which will help you with your revision, but one which is particularly useful is This looks exactly like Science Clips, and it finishes each section with a quiz to test your knowledge.
Literacy revision – Year 6
Week seven objectives
To understand the main features of a newspaper report
To distinguish between biased and objective newspaper reports
To write in the style of a newspaper report
To identify and understand the main features of report writing
To understand the need for a factual report or argument to be balance rather than biased
To plan and write a report
To plan and write a balance argument
To learn the spelling of commonly used prefixes and suffixes and understand their meanings
Numeracy revision – Year 6
Week seven objectives
To read and plot points using coordinates in all four quadrants
To know the eight points of the compass
To reflect a shape in a mirror line
To rotate a shape through a given angle and direction
To translate a shape both vertically and horizontally
To recognise when a shape has been reflected, rotated or translated
To understand the term setting
To become aware of how authors use setting
To be able to create atmosphere through description of setting
To know and use the different units of time
To read times to the nearest minute on an analogue and digital 12 and 24 hour clocks
To use 12 hour and 24 hour clock timetables
To read dates on calendars
To choose the correct operation to solve problems of time
To record solutions to problems using numbers, units and signsTo explain in words the method used to solve a problem
Science revision – Year 6
Week seven objectives
To know that some materials occur naturally and some are manufactured
To understand that materials have particular properties that make them special and useful for different jobs
To know that materials can exist in three different forms: solids, liquids and gases
To know the characteristics of state of matter
To be able to identify and categorise a substance as being a solid, liquid or a gas
To understand that heating and cooling may change substances from one state of matter to another
To know that heating, cooling and mixing can cause physical changes
To know that some physical changes to materials can be reversed
To know that the water cycle is an example of a reversible change
To know that evaporation and condensation are in the water cycle
To know that heating, cooling and mixing some materials can cause physical changes
To know that some physical changes to materials cannot be reversed; these are called non-reversible changes
To recognise some everyday non-reversible changes
To investigate how long it takes water to evaporate at different temperatures
That's all for now!
Have a good week!! Year 5/6 team
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