Thursday, April 26, 2007

30th April 2007

Well, we only have two weeks before the SATs and we are on our final revision push. We are SO pleased with all the time, dedication and effort that you have out into your revision, and it will show when you get the fantastic results you deserve! Remember, they may be called 'tests', but they are really a chance to show off how much you know!

This week's blog, is a guide to how you can make the most of those last few pages in the SAT Attack books and how to tackle the planning and questions in the tests. Remember, you can come and have a chat with any member of staff in school, who believe it or not, have felt exactly the same way as you do right now ( and yes we DO remember that long ago!!)

Literacy level 3 reading comprehension level 4 level 5 simple comprehension exercises that could be used for speed practice in completing questions in a set time scroll down for lots of reading exercises choose a picture of a setting as a writing stimulus planning a story. This is also a fabulous site for all Bitesize revision topic areas.

We are also focussing on different types of reports in Literacy this week, as part of our revision programme. As our History topic is the Tudors, I came across a great website which links the two areas together:

Just click on 'Start' and then select the Tudors. We will be looking at Tudor Exploration, so the New Land Found paper is a great one to start with. You can even interview witnesses such as Sir Walter Raleigh! This is really good site at explaining about the key features of a newspaper.

Science The one-stop shop for lots of science links, Just scroll down past all the 'blurb' and select an area that you want to revise. when you stop giggling at the voice on this site, can you put all of his organs in the right place? go on! Have a challenge!! This is really for Key Stage 3, but some of you could make a really good go at this! turn the sound down if the voice over annoys you too much! click on the links for whatever section you feel you need more practice in.

The links from previous weeks and from still stand and are really useful. Remember to scroll back to the very first page for the 'big' list of numeracy sites which show you which area of numeracy to revise.


Dates for your diary - 14th-18th May is SATs week for Year 6. Year 5 will also be doing their optional tests this week too.

Cake Sale - The Friends of St Vincent's are holding a cake sale on 3rd May at 3.00pm in the school hall.

International School Award - Our school has been awarded an International Schools Award by the British Council and the Department for Education and Skills. This has been awarded to us because of all the work we have been doing in languages and across the curriculum. They were really pleased with how we have linked with our partner school in Malaga and are looking forward to when we can work with all the teachers and pupils.

Think that's all for now!

5/6 team x

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