Thursday, July 05, 2007

Week beginning 9th July

Well, we begin this week's blog with an apology. Last week, we promised that the reports were going to be sent home this Friday. They are all ready to go, complete with envelopes...however, the SATs results for the Year 6's have not yet arrived in school. Unfortunately, this is completely out of our control, as we rely on external markers and assessors to return the marked scripts by the deadline. We hope to be able to able to send them out on Monday, so let's just keep our fingers crossed that Parcelforce arrive early!!


You should have all received your tickets last Wednesday, apart from a few children who were absent due to 'bug' which seems to have infiltrated school. If you don't require tickets for a particular performance, please retuen them to school so that they may be utilised by another family. Again, please remember that admittance will be limited strictly by ticket only, to adhere to Health and Safety regulations. Thank you for your co-operation with this.

Although this Friday is 'Friday the 13th' (oh dear, better not say 'break-a-leg to anyone to wish them luck!) we will hopefully be performing the dress rehearsal for the rest of the school.

The children have also come home with lots of words to learn, so please indulge them the 'hairbrush in front of the mirror' technique for this weekend! They really are true performers, and they are really giving it some 'welly' (I had to get in some joke about this fabulous weather we are having!!)

Here I Am

During the rehearsals this week, we will be completing our final Here I Am topic this year of Special Places.

We will:

Recognise a place that is special for people from all over the world

Reflect on some other places that are special for people from all over the world

Reflect that many places from all over the world are regarded as special

We would like you to come armed with lots of photographs and stories of all the places that are special to you. The teachers might even bring some of their embarrassing holiday photos in...!


The year 6's will continue their transition booklets, whilst the Year 5's will be working on the second week of problem solving. Look on the websites from last week's blog and remember to apply the 3 step strategy.

Remember, you can also check on for booster group sites. This week, you will be investigating fractions.

Other curriculum

During the 'in-between' rehearsal times, we will be working on the Geography activities from last week's blog. Some children have even brought in some of their own research work from home, so we would love to see more!

If you would like to see some of the artwork we produced during our African week, have a look at the display in the junior area, complete with African Dan masks. A big thank you to Mrs Clancy, Mrs Riley and Mrs Hemmings who have worked their magic on making the display, complete with animal print background, look so fantastic!

And finally...

You will have read in the newsletter about the staffing changes for September. Just to clarify, the teachers will be:

Foundation Stage - Mrs Narraway

Year 1/2 - Mrs Worrall, Mrs Pinto-Edwards, Mrs Malone

Year 3/4 - Mrs Harding, Mrs Bethell, Miss Robinson

Year 5/6 - Mrs Morgan (Wilson), Mrs Millington, Miss Wright

Mr McGreal will continue to be the floating teacher, until Mrs Morgan returns from her maternity leave in February 2008.

Miss Wright has been into school to meet the children and staff, and she is delighted to be joining the team from September. I am sure she will be a great asset to the Year 5/6 team and we are looking forward to welcoming her to St.Vincent's.

Have a good week!

Year 5/6 team.


Anonymous said...

to mrs worrall
why do you have to leave year5/6
we will miss you all very much
a freind

Anonymous said...

I will miss you so much when you go to 1/2 its been great haveing you and its been funny brill and your the best i will miss you lots & lots & lots!!!
Oh and I will come and see you lots next year !!!

Mrs Worrall said...

...and I shall miss teaching you all too, but you will still see me around school. I'll come over to the juniors lots to see how you are getting on!!