Sunday, May 14, 2006

15th May 2006

WELL DONE to all the children in Year 6 who completed their SATs tests last week! They remembered everything they have learned, not just this year, but in all their years at St Vincent's and they tried their very best. A big thank you to all parents who helped and supported the children, through a very busy and stressful week. Well done to the year 5 children too, who completed the optional SATs tests. These will be marked and moderated by the staff in school and will form the basis of our work in the final half term.

This week, sees the year 6 children going on their annual residential to the Conway Centre in North Wales. They will be taking part in some amazing activities and are extremely excited (judging by the conversations on Friday!) We hope to bring you some photographs and video footage when they return on Friday.

Year 5 children will be working with Mrs Worrall and Mrs Riley this week, on a fantastic project called 'Passport to the World'. We will be researching about different cultures around the world, what they eat, wear, listen to, temperature etc. Some of the questions they will be investigating are:

Where is this place?
How do people travel to, from and around this place?
What does this place look like?
Natural and man-made features
Why do people visit this place?
What foods do people eat?
What jobs and activities go on in this place?
How have people made use of or changed the environment?
What changes are happening now? For better or worse? Are there any local issues related to land-use?
What is it like to live here?
What do you like and dislike about this place?
What do the people who live here like and dislike?

You could help by starting some of this research at home, by visiting some of the these websites:

By the end of the week, each co-operative learning team, will be expected to present to the rest of the group, information about their selected country. We hope to have some food tasting on Friday, although I have been told, they really don't want to try frog's legs!!!
It would be really helpful, if you could provide some holiday photographs or holiday brochures to help with our display work. Thank You!!