Sunday, May 21, 2006

22nd May 2006

FIrst of all, welcome back to our Year 6 children, who had a great week at the Conway Centre. Miss Wilson, Mr Barker, Mrs Walker and Miss Robinson all gave the children glowing reports and said that the centre staff were extremely complimentary about their behaviour and attitude to the challenges which were presented to them. Well done all thank you to all concerned - you are a credit to our school! We will let you know as soon as possible, a date for our presentation.

This is the last week before our Whit break and it is another busy week. In LIteracy, we will be looking at writing our own performance poems. Last week, the year 5 children gave a fabulous rendition of 'Ten Dancing Dinosaurs'!! We will post some of our ideas here over the holidays for you to read!

In numeracy, we will be doing some maths investigations and challenges, to really get our brains thinking. Year 6 children will be beginning some of the transition units, which have been arranged to help with their move to St Gregory's. They will also be starting a transition unit for Science, which will be completed on their day visit to the high school.

In science, we will be completing our work on healthly lifestyles, by looking at the effect of alcohol, smoking and drugs on the body. The children may ask some quite challenging questions at home, so, in anticipation of this, here is a list of websites that we will be using in school, that may be re-visited at home. (what Kids say - opinions)
(information about alcohol) (information about drugs including alcohol and tobacco) video and on-line quiz about smoking (username Worrall; password; Worrall) watch video and answer the quiz questions

Our Year 6 children will be bringing home an important letter this week. It requests your permission for the children to watch the video about puberty after the holidays. We will also be joined by the school nurse on the day, to facilitate the discussion. You may wish to withdraw your child from this and we would request that you do this in writing, by 30th June. There will be an opportunity for parents to view this video beforehand, on 22nd June at 4.00pm in the ICT Suite. Please indicate on this letter if you would like to attend.

On Wednesday afternoon, there will be a mass for the Ascension at 2.30pm. You are most welcome to join us in the hall. We finish on THURSDAY this week, with Friday being an INSET day for staff. We would like to wish you a happy and safe holiday, and look forward to returning for our final half term.