Saturday, July 15, 2006

17th July 2006

And finally...

Well, we have reached the end of another successful school year. The children and staff have worked extremely hard and I am sure that although the summer brings a well deserved break for everyone, there will be just a little sadness on Friday, as all the children move on. The year 5 children have worked closely with their next teacher already, so feel more than comfortable to move into Year 6. The children in year 6, are gradually becoming more and more excited by the forthcoming move to high school. They have assured us that they will come back and visit, to let us know how they are getting on!
We wish them all the luck in the world and and sure that they will continue to do well - all the way to GCSE's and beyond!!!!

Joseph production

On Monday afternoon and Tuesday evening of this week, we shall be putting on our production for you. The children have worked really hard on the singing and the acting, and I am sure that you will support them. We have told the children that you will probably join in with the singing too, so please do feel free !

Camelot trip

On Wednesday, the children will be going on their end of year trip to Camelot. It would be helpful, if they were to put their packed lunch in a backpack, so they can be 'hands-free' on the rides. They will need plenty to drink (no glass bottles please), a hat, and suncream, as the forecast is for sunny, hot weather next week. Should this not be the case, then a waterproof coat in their bags would be helpful.

Leaver's Mass

The Leaver's Mass takes place at 1.30pm on Thursday afternoon. You are warmly invited to attend. The children have some fantastic treasured memories to share with you!!


A huge thank you to you - the parents, friends and co-educators of your children. It is so rewarding when children enjoy, achieve and succeed at school. None of this would be possible without the support we receive from you. It really does make a difference when you hear your child read, talk to them about what has been going on in school, or make a comment in their home-school link book.
I intend to keep this blogspot active over the holidays, so that our present year 5 children may access it over the holidays. There will be lots of links which you can go to, to help keep up numeracy, literacy and science over the holidays. Remember to check every Monday throughout the holidays!

Many thanks from all the Year 5/6 team, and we wish you a happy and safe summer holidays.

Saturday, July 08, 2006

10th July 2006

This week sees the dress rehearsal of Joseph and his Amazing Technicolour Dreamcoat. The children have worked really hard and we are sure that you will thoroughly enjoy the show which the children will put on for you. We would love you to join in with some of the songs, so feel free...we are sure lots of you remember doing the same production when you were at school ! Tickets will be sent out this week, for the performances next Monday afternoon and Tuesday evening. In order to comply with fire and safety regulations, tickets are limited to two per family. Should you wish to exchange these for another performance, please do so with another family. Admission to the hall, will be by TICKET ONLY. Many thanks for your support and understanding with this.

Report Reply Slips

You will have received your child's individual report on Friday, which also included details of their SATS and Optional SATS results as well as their teacher for next year. We would be greatful if you could return your acknowledgement slip, along with a comment about your child's report as soon as possible.


The children are getting more and more excited about their end if year trip to Camelot. If you haven't already done so, could you please send in the payment and permission slip this week. Also, we still need extra parent helpers to come with us on the day. If you are able to help, please inform a member of the 5/6 team as soon as possible this week.

Leaver's Disco

On Thursday of this week, the Friends of St. Vincent's are holding a leaver's disco, not just for our Year 6 children, but for all the juniors. Please keep an eye out for labels in their home/school link books for details of times and costs. Thank you.