Thursday, March 29, 2007

2nd April 2007

I can't believe that we have reached the end of the second term already! It has been a busy term and I am sure you are all looking forward to a well earned break!

Remember, to look back over the last term's blogs for lots of ideas to keep your revision ticking over. Just half an hour everyday will really help you to remember those key facts. Why not try using some of the writing titles for some ideas for times writing over the holidays? Also, do you know what all of the vocabulary in science means? Evaporation? Filtration? What happens when you mix bicarbonate of soda and vinegar together? What is it called when an ice cube turns to water? Your CGP books have some great ways of helping you to remember.

These sites will also be useful over the break: this is a great site from Woodlands School in Kent.

If you want to have a go at some of the Past SATS papers, go to to download them and print them off. Remember it is important to stick to the time allocated. You will probably be really quick at these though, as we have had a go at most of them in school.

Worried about the SATS? Well don't be - and don't just take my word for it!! Lots of Year 6's up and down the country feel exactly the same as you! I came across another school's blog, and they have had lots of comments from Year 6 children, all about their feelings about the tests. Click on the link and read some of the comments and replies! Remember, it is better to get your questions and concerns out in the open and talk to your parents and the teachers, who have all been through tests and will know exactly how you are feeling AND how to help!!

This week:

This week is our Assessment and Review week. There will also be lots of glue, glitter and sequins around as we make our Easter cards - something special this year!!

Our Easter service will be held in the hall on Thursday at 9.00am in the hall, led by our Year 3/4 children. You are most welcome to join us, but do be aware that there will be limited space.

We finish at 3.00pm on Thursday for our Easter Break.

This Sunday is Palm Sunday - the beginning of Holy Week.

Holy Week is the week before Easter, commemorating events in the last days of Jesus' life. It begins on Palm Sunday and ends on Easter Monday.

Palm Sunday (Passion Sunday), the day Jesus arrived in Jerusalem.
Holy Thursday (Maundy Thursday), Last Supper and the betrayal by Judas.
Good Friday (Holy Friday), the arrest, trial, crucifixion, death and burial of Jesus Christ.
Holy Saturday, the Sabbath on which Jesus rested in the grave.

Palm Sunday is a time of celebration as well as sadness because Jesus died on a cross less than a week after he had entered Jerusalem.

What is Palm Sunday?

The Sunday before Easter is known as Palm Sunday. It celebrates Jesus' arrival in Jerusalem for the Jewish festival of Passover. Great crowds of people lined the streets waving palm branches to welcome him. The people were very excited. They spread branches on the road – and even laid down their clothes. They shouted 'Hosanna!' which means 'Save us Now!'
Why is it called Palm Sunday?
The Sunday before Easter is called Palm Sunday because the crowds waved palm branches as they followed Jesus' procession into Jerusalem.
Why did Jesus go to Jerusalem?
It was the time of the Jewish feast of Passover. Many Jews travelled to Jerusalem to celebrate this feast together.
What happens on Palm Sunday

On Palm Sunday, children are given crosses made from single palm leaves. Traditionally, many churches will have a procession in or around the church while people sing songs of praise and wave palm leaves. This is to help them imagine what Jesus' entry into Jerusalem might have been like.

Pax Cakes
In some English churches small buns called pax cakes (symbolic of peace and goodwill) are given to the congregation as they leave after a Palm Sunday service.
Palm Sunday also has the nick name 'Fig Sunday' because Christ had wanted to eat some when travelling to Jerusalem (Mark 11: 12-14). Figs were once traditionally eaten on this day.
What happens to any Palm crosses left over?
Any left over Palm Crosses are kept and burned to make ashes for next years Ash Wednesday services.
Palm Sunday Customs and Traditions in England
In some areas of the country Palm Sunday was a traditional day for visiting wells and leaving an offering for the spirit of the well. In some places pins were dropped in the wells whilst in other places rags were hung around the wells. It was thought by doing this the spirit of the well would keep the water fresh and clean.
Sallow, or pussy willow, was used in many places as a palm subsitute, and was commonly known as English Palm amongst country folk. Box, yew, hazel, common willow and daffodils (Lent Lilies) were other alternatives in the days before palm was easily available as an import from Spain.

Just for fun... This is a fantastic video! YouTube have created a site just for teachers! This is a video of how one American teacher has tried to teach a variety of mathematical concepts to her children. We shall be getting our baseball caps over the Easter have been warned!!!!! (measurement rap) simplification of fractions perimeter rap This made me laugh out loud! Although it has an American slant (particularly when referring to money) but the short, snappy way in which it is presented, really helps to make this explanation of fractions memorable!!

You can can have hours of fun looking through this site, but please make sure you are with your parents when 'surfing'. Although most of the uploads are checked, we cannot be responsible for content added after this blog has been written.

That's all for now! Have a good holiday!

Year 5/6

Wednesday, March 21, 2007

26th March 2007

We had a fantastic week in school during our whole school Spanish Week. The children were brilliant at their Salsa dancing - we hope to follow this up with some flamenco this week! We would also like to say a HUGE thank you to Mrs Richardson, without whom, we would not have been able to taste the splendid Paella a la Penketh! (we left out the prawns and muscles for the squeamish ones amongst us!) You will notice that a lot more children are coming home speaking a few words in Spanish. The staff are currently learning Spanish after school and so we aim to try out our new found linguistic skills!!

Parents Evenings

This week sees our two parents evenings in school. You should have received your appointment slip on Friday. Because of the high demand for slots, particularly the 3.30 slot, we ask you to be as flexible as possible in the time that you have been allocated. As always, and particularly because of this high demand, we would ask you to remember that slot are for 5 minutes only. Should you require longer, we would invite you to arrange an additional appointment. Many thanks for your understanding and co-operation with this.


Following in the footsteps of the Year 3/4's, we are holding a fundraising afternoon this Friday afternoon for Lenten charity. So now is a great time to have a really good spring clean of those cupboards, and send in books, toys for the children to sell. Easter Egg raffles and stall like Guess the Teddy's names are real money spinners!


This week, the children will be continuing to follow 'The Dare' in literacy, and we will be covering all genres in literacy, with a particular focus on writing, using this text. The links on previous posts will support this.

In numeracy, the Year 5's will be focussing on division. Obviously, this links directly with the work on multiplication that we have been covering for the last few weeks. If your child is comfortable with their tables, then division follows on quite easily. Try getting them to see the patterns:

7 x 3 = 21 so 21 divided by 3 = 7. Can they see how the numbers are just moved around in the number sentence? Have a go with some other tables and see if they are able to spot the pattern. This also help greatly, when they children are asked to calculate the missing number questions.

In our oral and mental starters this week, the children will be following-up work which has gone on in the last couple of weeks as a review:

derive division facts up the times tables up to 12 x 12

add several multiples of 10

round whole numbers to the nearest 10, 100 and 1000

count on or back in 9's to 10

order positive and negative numbers click on the division facts for this. Just remember that your computer at home is NOT the interactive whiteboard and you will break it if you hit your monitor at home!!!!!!!!!! click on easy to build your confidence and then medium. It explain how to group numbers on a number line. this is a great site, as it shows you step by step how to work out division. This is a great one to sit with your parents and work out.

Science revision – Year 6
Week eight objectives


To know that some solids and liquids can be mixed together and then be separated
To know that those mixtures which can be separated are examples of reversible changes
To know that main methods of separation and which method applies to which type of mixture


To describe and group rocks according to their characteristics
To understand the terms texture, hardness and permeability


To know that some materials are good thermal conductors and some materials are good thermal insulators
To know that some materials are good electrical conductors and some materials are good electrical insulators
To understand that heat travels from a warmer area to a colder one


To investigate a sample of soil taken from where you live



Literacy revision – Year 6
Week eight objectives


To learn the strategies to tackle multiple choice questions


To learn strategies to help answer ordering and matching questions


To learn strategies for answering ‘find a word or phrase’ type questions


To learn strategies to help you answer ‘3 mark’ opinion type questions


To be able to compare and contrast two or more texts

Numeracy revision – Year 6
Week eight objectives


To choose the correct operations to solve one step or multi step real life problems
To explain methods of reasoning about numbers and shapes
To recognise patterns and relationships between numbers or shapes
To make and investigate a general statement by finding examples that match it


To choose the correct operations to solve one step or multi step real life problems
To explain methods of reasoning about numbers and shapes
To recognise patterns and relationships between numbers or shapes
To make and investigate a general statement by finding examples that match it


To choose the correct operations to solve one step or multi step real life problems
To explain methods of reasoning about numbers and shapes
To recognise patterns and relationships between numbers or shapes
To make and investigate a general statement by finding examples that match it


To choose the correct operations to solve one step or multi step real life problems
To explain methods of reasoning about numbers and shapes
To recognise patterns and relationships between numbers or shapes
To make and investigate a general statement by finding examples that match it


To choose the correct operations to solve one step or multi step real life problems
To explain methods of reasoning about numbers and shapes
To recognise patterns and relationships between numbers or shapes
To make and investigate a general statement by finding examples that match it

That's all for this week!

Year 5/6 team

Wednesday, March 14, 2007

19th March 2007

We have been really impressed with all the fund-raising activities which the children have been organising our Lenten charity. In order for the children to understand how their money is used, we have asked for a representative from the Nugent Care Society to come and talk to the children about their work in the community. They are amazed at how much the children have raised so far and by the creative ways in which they have raised the money. (The Year 3/4 children were fantastic at getting the rest of us to part with our pennies..and pounds!!)


On Tuesday, the Year 5's will be going to Church to receive the Sacrament of Reconcilation for the first time. The children are allowed to wear their own clothes for the day, although they will need sensible shoes for the walk up to St.Joseph's. We will be leaving school just after 9am and starting the activities around 9.30am. The children will need to bring something for their lunch, which can be put onto a shared lunch table. We will conclude the day with a Service of Reconciliation, to which parents are warmly invited. This will take place at approx. 2.30pm in Church. You may collect your child from the parish centre after the service, or from school at approx. 3.20pm. It promises to be a really enjoyable day for both staff and children.

Bridgewater Hall Visit

On Wednesday, all of Key Stage 2 are getting on 'the bus' and going to the Bridgewater Hall in Manchester, where they will be treated to a fantastic performance by the Halle Orchestra. The theme this year is 'Heroes and Villains'. How many pieces of music will they know? (Don't worry - we have the answers just in case!!) The children will be returning after lunchtime on Wednesday, so it may be best to have sandwiches that day, just in case! Have a look at the fantastic Bridgewater Hall building, home of the Halle Orchestra.


After last week's successful visit from our Spanish colleague, we are holding a Spanish Themed week across the whole school. There are lots of exciting activities planned, and there is even a rumour that there may even be some Salsa Dancing going on!! On Friday, we shall be doning our chef's hats (and shaking the dust off them!) and having a go at creating our very own Paella!! Can't wait for that...

With all of this going on, you may be wondering what other curriculum we could possibly fit into this week?! Well...


The children worked really well on ordering negative numbers and changing fractions to decimals. For those children who still need some extra practice on this area, I have included a few websites below to help. click on the parachute which has the same value as the pencentage or the fraction which the 'suitcase' gives you click on the fractions to decimals picture This is a great one! It will change any fraction to a given decimal Think you've got it? Well this site will check just how much you really do know!

This week, we move on to using our knowledge of multiplication, to multiply decimals. We will also be looking at the following in our oral and mental starters:

  • know addition pairs that total 100
  • recall doubles of numbers up to 100 and their corresponding halves
  • know multiplication facts up to 10x10
  • read time to 1 minute on the 24 hour clock
  • name and recognise 2D shapes and their properties

By the end of the week, the children :

Must be able to multiply multiples of ten by single digit numbers

Should be able to use times table knowledge to multiply and divide multiples of ten by single digit numbers, e.g. 60x3, 180÷6

Could apply knowledge of multiplication and division facts to calculate multiples of decimals by single digits, e.g. knowing 6x3 and using this to derive 0.6x3 or 2.7÷3 Remember how to do the grid methos? This website show you how to partition two digit numbers to help multiply them. I love this!! Remember doing the speed grid challenge for addition? Well there is now a multiplication speed grid!! This is really difficult and I won't tell you how many I scored the first time I played it!


We continue with our topic of Interdependence and Adaptation. This sounds like a very grand title, but it is all about habitats, food chains, food webs and eco-systems. The children had great time last week putting themselves as part of a food chain. Needless to say, everyone wanted to be a predator!!


If you feel like having a go at some independent writing at home, here's a couple of titles that you could have a go at this week.

Writing an argument
You read a quote in the newspaper which says: ‘All children are mindless hooligans who watch too much television and have no idea of the way they should behave. If I had my way, they would all be put in the army, as it didn’t do me any harm.’ (Mr D. Green) Write a reply to the editor, arguing against the views in the letter.

Recounting events
Something happened on your way home from school last night. Recount the event to your friend.

Your school is organising a sponsored 12 hour dance-athon for charity. Write a newsletter to encourage people to take part in the event.

Science fiction stories
The year is 2134 and the Intergalactic Space Police are on the trail of a master criminal, who has stolen the Life Diamond (the diamond at the centre of the earth, that controls the planet’s temperature.) Write a science fiction story based on this idea.

Stories with a dilemma
Jenny and her friends face a problem. The Lard Street Gang have called them soft because they won’t smoke cigarettes. Jenny doesn’t want to lose face with her friends but she doesn’t want to start smoking either. Write a story about what Jenny decides to do.

Stories with a twist
Ben could hear a noise. It was coming from his cellar. He decides to investigate. What does Ben find in the cellar? Tell the story to the end of his investigation, but try to include a twist at the end.

Fantasy adventures
Blakely has been captured by the evil high lords and put to work as a slave in the salt mine. He escapes and starts a journey back home to Little Hamlet. On his way home, Blakely meets a friendly creature and is nearly captured. Write a fantasy adventure based on this idea.

Here I Am

This week, the children are working on the second week of the RELATE section of the topic. They will learn about Lent as a time of ‘dying in order to live’; how the suffering and death and resurrection of Jesus led to new life for Jesus and his friends.

We will be looking at the events leading upto Easter and how they fit into their understanding of the Easter Story.

Read Matthew: 26:47-53. It is the story of what happened to Jesus in the Garden of Gethsemene. Could you try to answer some of these questions about the passage you have read?

  • How did Jesus feel?
  • What did he do?
  • What happened in the Garden?
  • How do you think Jesus felt then?
  • What did he say to the friend who used his sword?
  • Why do you think the friend used it?
  • What does Matthew tell us about Jesus?

Parent's Evening

You should have received a parent's evening slip last week. There are lots parents who have requested the 3.30pm slot and the 7.30pm slot. We would be grateful if there could be some flexibility with this as we are sure you can appreciate that even we cannot fit 90 children into these two slots! Thank you for your understanding with this.


There are lots of sites which will help you with your revision, but one which is particularly useful is This looks exactly like Science Clips, and it finishes each section with a quiz to test your knowledge.

Literacy revision – Year 6
Week seven objectives


To understand the main features of a newspaper report
To distinguish between biased and objective newspaper reports


To write in the style of a newspaper report


To identify and understand the main features of report writing
To understand the need for a factual report or argument to be balance rather than biased


To plan and write a report
To plan and write a balance argument


To learn the spelling of commonly used prefixes and suffixes and understand their meanings

Numeracy revision – Year 6
Week seven objectives


To read and plot points using coordinates in all four quadrants
To know the eight points of the compass


To reflect a shape in a mirror line
To rotate a shape through a given angle and direction
To translate a shape both vertically and horizontally
To recognise when a shape has been reflected, rotated or translated


To understand the term setting
To become aware of how authors use setting
To be able to create atmosphere through description of setting


To know and use the different units of time
To read times to the nearest minute on an analogue and digital 12 and 24 hour clocks
To use 12 hour and 24 hour clock timetables
To read dates on calendars


To choose the correct operation to solve problems of time
To record solutions to problems using numbers, units and signsTo explain in words the method used to solve a problem

Science revision – Year 6
Week seven objectives


To know that some materials occur naturally and some are manufactured
To understand that materials have particular properties that make them special and useful for different jobs


To know that materials can exist in three different forms: solids, liquids and gases
To know the characteristics of state of matter
To be able to identify and categorise a substance as being a solid, liquid or a gas
To understand that heating and cooling may change substances from one state of matter to another


To know that heating, cooling and mixing can cause physical changes
To know that some physical changes to materials can be reversed
To know that the water cycle is an example of a reversible change
To know that evaporation and condensation are in the water cycle


To know that heating, cooling and mixing some materials can cause physical changes
To know that some physical changes to materials cannot be reversed; these are called non-reversible changes
To recognise some everyday non-reversible changes


To investigate how long it takes water to evaporate at different temperatures

That's all for now!

Have a good week!! Year 5/6 team

Wednesday, March 07, 2007

12th March 2007

Last week was an extremely busy week in school (aren't they all?!) We had a very successful RE Inspection on Wednesday. The inspectors commented on how articulate the children were, and at how evident it was that they children genuinely cared for one another.

Our Year 6 children behaved with reverence and maturity when we went up to St.Joseph's to receive the Sacrament of Reonciliation for the second time. It will be the turn of the Year 5's when they will receive the sacrament during their Away Day on the 20th March. We would be grateful if the permissionm slips could be returned this week.

We will be joined for the next 7 weeks by Miss Hamill, who will be working in Mrs Worrall's class. Mrs Worrall will be taking some of the Year 6 children for small intensive group work in preparation for the SATs.

This week's blog, mainly consists of the revision for Year 6's, along with a few select websites which will help in their preparations.

Literacy revision – Year 6
Week six objectives


To understand what is meant by persuasive writing
To know the main features of persuasive writing


To plan and write pieces of persuasive writing


To understand the main features of leaflets and brochures
To gain examples of the kind of language used in leaflets and brochures


To plan and write in the style of a leaflet of a brochure


To learn and use words containing vowel diagraphs

Numeracy revision – Year 6
Week six objectives


To understand that a percentage is the number of parts in every 100
To recognise and use the % sign correctly
To find the percentage of a shape
To find the percentage of a quantity with and without using a calculator


To understand the link between fractions, decimals and percentages
To convert one from another, with and without a calculator
To recognise and recall equivalent fractions, decimals and percentages


To understand the difference between ratio and proportion
To write the relationship between two quantities as a ratio and as a proportion of a whole


To measure the perimeter of shapes to the nearest millimetre
To calculate the perimeters of shapes including compound shapes
To measure the area of shapes by counting squares
To work out formulae for the perimeters and areas of shapes
To use the correct units for perimeter and area


To choose the correct operation to solve problems using money
To record solutions to problems using numbers, money and signs
To explain in words the method used to solve a problem exchange money for a foreign holiday area and perimeter questions calculate how many flags are needed in this real life problem

Science revision – Year 6

Week Six objectives


To know how teeth develop as we grow older
To name and recognise the three types of teeth and what they do
To know the causes of tooth decay and how to prevent it


To understand the main functions of the skelton
To know how bones are joined
To begin to understand how some muscles work


To understand the human life cycle and the changes which occur
To know that reproduction is an essential part of this cycle


To know that a micro-organism is a very small living thing
To know that micro-organisms can be helpful or harmful
To know how to reduce the spread of harmful micro-organisms


To investigate whether you, your friends and family are eating enough fruit and vegetables. I love this one!! You will have to scroll down to find the activities for health on this site, but they are all fantastic!

Thank you to all the parents who are still signing and commenting in their children's diaries. Individual targets are put into their which are appropriate to your child.

Please remember to return permission slips for the Year 6's, who will be going to Lowe House in St.Helens on Tuesday, with the staff from St.Gregory's.

Have a good week.

Year 5/6 team.