Wednesday, March 07, 2007

12th March 2007

Last week was an extremely busy week in school (aren't they all?!) We had a very successful RE Inspection on Wednesday. The inspectors commented on how articulate the children were, and at how evident it was that they children genuinely cared for one another.

Our Year 6 children behaved with reverence and maturity when we went up to St.Joseph's to receive the Sacrament of Reonciliation for the second time. It will be the turn of the Year 5's when they will receive the sacrament during their Away Day on the 20th March. We would be grateful if the permissionm slips could be returned this week.

We will be joined for the next 7 weeks by Miss Hamill, who will be working in Mrs Worrall's class. Mrs Worrall will be taking some of the Year 6 children for small intensive group work in preparation for the SATs.

This week's blog, mainly consists of the revision for Year 6's, along with a few select websites which will help in their preparations.

Literacy revision – Year 6
Week six objectives


To understand what is meant by persuasive writing
To know the main features of persuasive writing


To plan and write pieces of persuasive writing


To understand the main features of leaflets and brochures
To gain examples of the kind of language used in leaflets and brochures


To plan and write in the style of a leaflet of a brochure


To learn and use words containing vowel diagraphs

Numeracy revision – Year 6
Week six objectives


To understand that a percentage is the number of parts in every 100
To recognise and use the % sign correctly
To find the percentage of a shape
To find the percentage of a quantity with and without using a calculator


To understand the link between fractions, decimals and percentages
To convert one from another, with and without a calculator
To recognise and recall equivalent fractions, decimals and percentages


To understand the difference between ratio and proportion
To write the relationship between two quantities as a ratio and as a proportion of a whole


To measure the perimeter of shapes to the nearest millimetre
To calculate the perimeters of shapes including compound shapes
To measure the area of shapes by counting squares
To work out formulae for the perimeters and areas of shapes
To use the correct units for perimeter and area


To choose the correct operation to solve problems using money
To record solutions to problems using numbers, money and signs
To explain in words the method used to solve a problem exchange money for a foreign holiday area and perimeter questions calculate how many flags are needed in this real life problem

Science revision – Year 6

Week Six objectives


To know how teeth develop as we grow older
To name and recognise the three types of teeth and what they do
To know the causes of tooth decay and how to prevent it


To understand the main functions of the skelton
To know how bones are joined
To begin to understand how some muscles work


To understand the human life cycle and the changes which occur
To know that reproduction is an essential part of this cycle


To know that a micro-organism is a very small living thing
To know that micro-organisms can be helpful or harmful
To know how to reduce the spread of harmful micro-organisms


To investigate whether you, your friends and family are eating enough fruit and vegetables. I love this one!! You will have to scroll down to find the activities for health on this site, but they are all fantastic!

Thank you to all the parents who are still signing and commenting in their children's diaries. Individual targets are put into their which are appropriate to your child.

Please remember to return permission slips for the Year 6's, who will be going to Lowe House in St.Helens on Tuesday, with the staff from St.Gregory's.

Have a good week.

Year 5/6 team.

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