Thursday, October 19, 2006

Half Term

First of all, a big thank you to everyone who attended parent's evening last week. We hope that you found the target sheets and handouts useful. We always welcome any feedback from parents about anything which you feel would help you to support your child's learning, so if you have any suggestions about the things which you would like to see, please let us know and we will do our utmost to address them.

A few recurring queries came up during the parent/teacher interviews, so we have tried to address them in this week's blog. If the answer you are looking for isn't here, please do contact any of the 5/6 team, who will be able to help.

  • weekly reading targets are given in your child's diary. This is their focus for the reading for that week. Any questions which you ask them about the text, should be focussed mainly on this target
  • high frequency words are checked by the teacher on a regular basis. If you see 'TW's' in the diary, this mean 'target words' or the words which your child is working on that week. Your child's teacher will tick off the words on the sheets at the front of the diary, when the have spelt the world correctly on three separate occasions.
  • we love to read YOUR comments in your child's diary and we will always reply to them on the day they are received. If there is something particularly urgent, then please encourage your child to actually hand it to the teacher, or telephone school if you are unable to call in.
  • the diary can be used for ANY communication, not just reading. If your child would benefit from some extra work in numeracy for example, this will be recorded in there.
  • we hope to organise a number of workshops over the coming months for numeracy. You will need to bring your pencil cases, as they will be very interactive and you will all have the opportunity to 'have a go'!!

There are lots of websites on previous blogs for you to refer to, in order to support your child's learning, so please do have a look back to see which ones you can use over the holidays. Just to give you a little advance notice, the children will be doing lots of practical work next half term, so they will need an old shirt for any 'creative' work we may be doing.

The children will also need an old pair of slippers in school for the next half term. They will have to cut them up at some point, so the older the better! There will also be a pyjama day, where we test out the best materials for comfort and practicality - we are looking forward to that day!!!

Look out for the details for the first week of the new half term next weekend. Have a happy and safe holiday. We return to school on Monday 30th October at 8.45am.