Saturday, January 27, 2007

29th January 2007

Week Beginning 29th January 2007

Well, what a week we had last week! The year 6 children had superb experiences at the Peace Centre, St. Gregory’s and the Pyramid Centre. We have had some fantastic feedback from everyone about their performances and there are certainly some budding thespians in our school! One comment which was particularly encouraging, was how smart the children looked in their uniforms – thank you to you all. I am sure you were all as proud as we were!

The year 5 children were fantastic in school and we have made great headway on our Reconciliation preparations and the children have made some very thoughtful and mature suggestions and thoughts. Many thanks to all the parents who have responded to our invitation to be group facilitators for the Reconciliation meeting. If you need any further information about your role, please call in to see Mrs Worrall in school – you won’t need to answer any difficult questions – honest!!

After last week’s assessments, we are continuing with our curriculum, which has been tailored to take into account some of fantastic progress which many of the children have made since September.


This week, we are beginning our work on Formal Writing, with a particular focus on Formal letters.

By the end of the week, the children:

Year 5

Must: use a developing range of adjectives, adverbs, powerful verbs and nouns in a range of texts to try and engage the reader

Should: use a range of adjectives, adverbs, powerful verbs and phrases selectively in a variety of texts in order to amuse, entertain, persuade, inform.

Could: use precise vocabulary and sentence variation to help me write effectively.

Year 6

Must: use a range of adjectives, adverbs, powerful verbs and phrases selectively in a variety of texts in order to amuse, entertain, persuade, inform

Should: use precise vocabulary and sentence variation to contribute to the effectiveness of the writing. I can use of figurative language effectively.

Could: use varied vocabulary to create effects, appropriate to form and purpose of the writing and to create specific effects, e.g. alliteration/patterning; maintain a formal style throughout the letter

When writing a formal letter, the children will be encouraged to check they have included the following criteria:

In my formal letter, addresses, date, greeting and sign-off are correctly placed
The first paragraph tells who the writer is and explains the reason for writing
The middle paragraphs deliver the necessary message
The letter states clearly what I would like the recipient to do
I used standard English
I used the appropriate greeting and sign-off
I have left a line to show that I want to begin a new paragraph
I used a formal tone throughout my letter

Maybe you have some formal letters that you can share with your child at home – bank and insurance correspondence is particularly good at showing the children how they use formal language. This is an example of the layout and content of a formal letter. Just click on the ‘next’ button at the bottom right of the page to navigate through the site. A really simple, yet effective site, showing examples of the differences between the different styles of formal writing. Can you re-write this letter to make sure it makes sense? Do you think that you would get a replacement toy? Try changing some of the vocabulary to make it more adventurous – go on – impress us with those BIG words!!! Try using a thesaurus to use different words to the ones that you use all the time!


This week, the children in Year 6 will be focussing on co-ordinates in all four quadrants and also investigating 2D and 3D shapes.

By the end of week, they:

MUST Describe and visualise 3-D shapes, including tetrahedron and polyhedron.

SHOULD Describe and visualise 3-D shapes, including octahedron. Classify according to properties such as shapes of faces; numbers of edges, faces, vertices; whether or not any face is right-angled etc.

COULD Describe and visualise 3-D shapes, including dodecahedron. Describe properties such as parallel or perpendicular faces or edges.

In Year 5, will be covering some of the issues which came up last week during the assessments. Some of these include calculating area, perimeter and time.

By the end of the week, they:

Must be able to find the area of a given shape by counting squares and know that area is measured in cm²

Should be able to calculate the area of a shape when given the length and breadth measurements and know that area is measured in cm²

Could be able to calculate either the length or the breadth of a regular shape when given the area and know that area is measured in cm²

The children must also know the difference between area and perimeter.

One way in which you could help out at home, is to check whether or not your child knows all the names for the regular 2D shapes.
This is an evaluation version, but see how many different polygons you can make.
Quite a simple site, but maybe this will give you some ideas of the vocabulary that is needed when describing 2D shapes.
This is a fantastic resources for co-ordinates – see which of the games you can work your way up to! This is actually a Key Stage 3 resource!!
Just click on the ‘Materials’ box on the right hand side of the screen to download a Powerpoint on what ‘co-ordinates in all four quadrants’ means.
Can you avoid the mines using your knowledge of the co-ordinates and quadrants?
Work out the shapes area by counting the squares. Can you make your own compound shapes? How would you calculate the area and perimeter of compound shapes?
Just a review of what the vocabulary means!!

For those who would like some extra maths homework, why not visit If you go back to the same site next week, they post the answers there for you.


We are continuing with our topic on Light this week. The children will be asked to investigate the question – How can we change the size of the shadow? We will have lots of materials for the children to use and investigate with. It would be helpful, if they were able to bring some more torches in order to test some of their shadow makers!!

There are lots of links for this topic. Just scroll down through previous blogs to help you.


This week is our school book week. It is a great opportunity to stock up on those home libraries. I had to buy some extra storage boxes last year to accommodate the books I bought! Not only can you treat yourselves, but we also receive 100% commission for this bookfair, so for every £1 spent at the fair, the school receives the same amount in books.

On Friday, the children will be able to dress up as a book character. Should the children not want to dress up, then they will have to wear school uniform.

We will hopefully have some great photos to share with you next week!

Take care and have a good week!!

Year 5/6 team.