Monday, January 01, 2007

Welcome Back !!

Happy New Year 2007 !!

Welcome back to the start of the Spring Term. We have lots to get through this term, which takes us right up until Easter. There will be lots of information coming home in the next few weeks, so please do keep an eye out in your child's diary and on this blog. The targets which your child will receive, have been produced based on assessments of your child at the end of last term, and are designed to help your child move forward. By supporting your child at home with these, you are helping them to move forward quickly and attain success.


We have a packed curriculum for the children this term and we will be covering all of the National Curriculum subjects. Please bear in mind though, that the following list is the topics that we will be covering for the WHOLE of this half term and NOT just this week - even we can't fit it all into 2 days!! Details of literacy and Numeracy to be covered will appear in the weekly blogs.

Design & Technology

Controllable vehicles - the children will have to design and make a vehicle out of materials of their choice, and make it move...Meccano anyone?
click on start, then on the house section and then click on the car downloadable pdf file with instructions to build a steerable vehicle

Journey into space – exploring sound sources information about lots of classical composers sketch your own music and listen to it played back on the computer, using the instruments you have chosen click on any of the activities to compose your own tune. Remember not send the e-mail as a file to your friends, as it can be quite large.


How we see things select the ‘Light’ topic. This is a really good site for science revision in general, but it does take at least 30 minutes for each activity, although it doesn’t feel like it – I spent an hour on this site before I realised the time! an introduction to shadows

Changing circuits Design your own circuit online BBC science clips website – online experiments including how to hypothesise. Review of how to construct a simple circuit A brilliant site, following the adventures of Celldric the Wizard around his home (notice the pun on his name??) Solve the puzzles using your knowledge of electrical circuits. This keeps track of your score throughout the activities. You can play on your own or against a friend. A really great site, which we will using in class. A superb way to revise – A space mission! Answer as many questions about circuits as you can in order to save the hostages! Remember to click on ‘Load a question’ on the left hand side and then select one of the spaceships for your answer. exploring electrical circuits online experiments to make electrical objects. You will need to collect a variety of junk materials for this one, but some of the finished products are fantastic.

Here I Am

In our Religious Education lessons this term the key question is “Who Am I?” The focus of the term’s work is to begin to understand the answer to this question. Jesus, the Son of God, who became fully human shows each of us how to be fully human too. The topics to be studied are: Books, Memories and Death and New Life.
We also investigate the topics through the theme of Community and the Local Church.

(8th January – 2nd February )

In this topic, the children explore their experience of the books which are special to different communities and when and why they are used. They hear about the Bible, the book which is special for the Christian family, and when and why it is used.

Suggestions for home activities

Share some of the readings from the bible with your child. Parables are a really good place to start, particularly with younger children.

(5th February – 2nd March)

The middle topic is Memories. In this topic, the children explore their outstanding memories and those of their families and investigate why they are so special. They learn about the Eucharist remembering and celebrating Jesus - his life, death and resurrection.
Ash Wednesday (21st February) marks the beginning of the Lenten Season, the time in which we prepare to celebrate Easter.

Suggestions for home activities

Make a scrap book with photographs from your family. Maybe the children could help by writing captions underneath them and putting them in chronological order.
You could contribute towards Family Fast Day during Lent and donate some money to CAFOD for the poor and hungry of the world.
Maybe you could all do something extra during Lent as well as giving something up.


(5th March to end of term)
In this topic, the children explore their experience of loss and sadness.
They learn about the death of Jesus leading to new life at Easter.

Lent is a time for us to reflect on how we need to change from our selfish ways and become more like Jesus.

Suggestions for home activities

· This can be a very sensitive topic, particularly for those children who have lost close family members. They will ask lots of questions and as adults, we should allow them to express their thoughts and feelings freely.
· For younger children, a good starting point is to talk about how the flowers in the garden wither and die and are then ‘re-born’ in the Spring.
· Have a special family prayer when everyone can say sorry to each other and to God for the times when hurt and upset has been caused in the family.

Please also remember in your prayers, the Year 5 children who will be receiving the Sacrament of Reconciliation for the first time this term. Our Year 6 children will also be taking part in a retreat day at St. Joseph's Parish Centre in March, for a day of prayer and reflection.

A busy term all round, but one which is sure to be very successful...let's reach for the stars!!

Best Wishes,

Year 5/6 team